Author: Rakesh Lawaju
Luxon JS useful functions
Date time to unix timestamp: Convert to different timezone Get users current timezone
Moment JS useful functions
List all timezones Date time to unix timestamp: Convert to different timezone Get users current timezone
WordPress install / activate plugin using WP API and JavaScript
Install plugin function: Uses: Activate plugin function. Uses:
Useful git commands
This post is just for my personal reference 😉 To clear the cache for specific file Clear Entire Git Cache Delete local tag Delete remote tag
Maudie: Movie review
Its been 50+ days of lockdown in Nepal due to pandemic and stying at home is getting very hard day by day. I can do my programming works from home, still its very hard to kill most of the time. So whats easy way to kill the time? watching movies 😋. But before you watch…
WordPress: Remove admin bar in front-end
To remove Admin bar from WordPress front-end we can use WordPress filter hook: show_admin_bar. In your theme functions.php file add following piece of code. This code will remove admin bar front all pages in front-end. We can also simplify the code like following. This will work same as previous code. We can also use conditions…
JavaScript: How to detect if device is iOS?
We can easily detect iOS Devices using JavaScript. Below is an example to detect iOS device using JavaScript. Here variable isIOS return true if its iOS device and false if its not. Why window.MSStream is excluded?We need to exclude window.MSStream as Microsoft injected the word iPhone in IE11’s userAgent in order to try and fool…