
  • Gutenberg List all Blocks

    If you want to get list of all blocks then you can use getBlockTypes from block store. We can use @wordpress/blocks package to retrieve block store. useSelect hook from @wordpress/data package will be used to access getBlockTypes function from block store. It can only be used in a component. Here is an example

  • Career Opportunities In WordPress ( WordPress Kathmandu Meetup)

    Career Opportunities In WordPress ( WordPress Kathmandu Meetup)

    Last Sunday I gave a presentation at WordPress Kathmandu Meetup on Topic “Career Opportunities In WordPress”. The meetup was organized at Bhaktapur Multiple Campus. Here is a link to my presentation. Career Opportunities In WordPress by Racase Lawaju (Rakesh Lawaju)

  • Regex to match any number of white spaces

    Incase we need to find any number of white spaces like for following silly example Here I want to replace header with another selector for example “section{“. So we want to match “header” tag, white spaces and “{” so that we only replace header selector. This is how we do in JavaScript: This is how…